蓝天白云首次在一个月里把一个月的Bandwidth给用完了。我们租用的 Web Hosting package 每月有 50 GB 的总上传/下载。看到这个报告其实是喜,也是忧。喜的是蓝天白云得到了大家的支持,忧的是。。。这样下去的话。侍候机将会在这情况下把蓝天白云数格子给暂时关闭,直到我们付款给多余的上下载数量。
还好,今天已是七月的最后一天。。希望能顺顺利利过了今天。下个月需要更紧密的管理。。可能要购买更贵的Web Hosting package了。
新加坡马来西亚作家 • 旅游美食部落客和手帐达人
这是好消息来的也… 继续加油哦!!!
我相信 nuffnang 给你们的支票,足够给这 hosting 的数倍了 😛
厉害…………… /photo
是喜!!! Congrats! Keep it up~~
wa, 好厉害哦
Thanks for all the comment. As working from the background support, I needed to monitor the web’s health and also the allocated bandwidth to make sure we do not over use the allocated bandwidth by our hosting server or they will shutdown our webpage temporary until we pay more to purchase the extra bandwidth.
Mylovelybluesky.com is hosted on a hosting package unlike blogspot.com that you do not need to worry about how much total traffic used… will continue to monitor to see if the average trend is showing we are going to be more than the allocated monthly usage, I will have to upgrade our hosting package. Yes, so far the ads income enough to cover the cost but we have not break even yet if counted the past years hosting cost.