I went to a different location for another round of Timelapse after yesterday's session which is posted here . The captures were again done using Canon Utility on the laptop and USB link to the camera. I think I needed to get a proper intervalometer to perform this if I am going to do it frequently. Total captured for this timelapse video is a total of 1079 frames on … [Read more...] about Timelapse by the paddy field – April 8th 2012
TimeLapse at Permatang Pauh 2012-04-07
I have tried using iPhone4 using iTimeLapse Pro for timelapse recently and I think it is still not delivering the results I wanted especially lack of the control on locked Focus + locked Exposure. I have been thinking to get a proper intervalometer to use with my Canon dSLR for quite some time but still never actually got to get one. The following was the skyline when I am … [Read more...] about TimeLapse at Permatang Pauh 2012-04-07
马来西亚 2012年3月31日 星期六 最近的周末,我们都忙着早起拍摄日出。今早拍摄日出之后,我们两人在家里休息片刻,在想要吃什么早餐?我懒惰准备早餐,想要出外用餐。我直接提议去琼海茶室吃炭烧面包,因为我前几天在报章上看到该茶室的卖点“鸭蛋加椰(Kaya)涂上炭烧面包”。单是标题足以吸引我去尝试,当然也要权雄陪我一起去找美食。 从报章上的得到的地址不完整,我们在家使用gps搜索该茶室所在地都找不到;网上找到地址,可是我们前往去的时候才发现该地址也是错误。当时决定在附近兜看,最后给我们找到了琼海茶室。呵呵!也不能怪我们花时间找琼海茶室,因为我们两人都是第一次来Tasek 加上平时少南下威南找美食。 … [Read more...] about 琼海茶室:炭烧面包
Sunrise at Permatang Pauh – 2012 March 18
After yesterday's sunrise shot. I told myself that I wanted to wake up early again for another round this morning but I was getting lazy after waking up. The damage is .... I missed the golden moment for the red burning sky by the paddy field which meant I missed the reflection of the red burning skyline at dusk. I was just late by that 5 mins and lose the chances of another … [Read more...] about Sunrise at Permatang Pauh – 2012 March 18
Sunrise at Permatang Pauh – 2012 March 17
Last whole week was a really busy week for me. My work load after joining a new department seems like increased by a large factors and I just got too busy to wake up early nor to be able to leave office early to snaps for some Sunrise / Sunset shots. Yesterday's sunrise was a spectacular one with very detail clouds formation which I didn't able to capture as rushing for early … [Read more...] about Sunrise at Permatang Pauh – 2012 March 17