8月份带来给你们第一份好消息:我将会在8月份的第一个星期三和第二个星期三上AiFM电台节目【爱有一四】的《说给你听》单元,这个单元节目是主持人 DJ 邓佩银每个星期访问不同领域的专业人士,与听众一起“听最好的别人,做最好的自己”,从节目中让大家对不同领域人士有认知,也传达正能量讯息。 不是第一次上佩银的节目,之前在AiFM《爱就对了之爱旅游》分享澳门旅游 和古晋旅游,这次来点不一样了,我将会在 2/8 和 9/8 在马来西亚电台 AiFM 与 DJ 邓佩银 聊这些年部落客生涯里,我如何摄影照片,文字和手写手帐与读者朋友分享所闻所见。 由于我们2人每次见面都无法控制聊天的时间,结果这次将会分成2天- 2/8/2017 和 9/8/2017 两天在空中与你们相见。 日期:2/8/2017 和 … [Read more...] about AiFM《说给你听》与DJ 邓佩银畅谈部落客生涯
妈妈娘惹粽食谱 · 娘惹粽做法
妈妈娘惹粽食谱 素食简化版。娘惹粽 较为普遍在马来西亚和新加坡华人社区,但是随着时间流逝,娘惹粽的食谱并没有一个固定的食谱。不过每次说到娘惹粽,大家都会联想到娘惹粽与地方食材 - 香料 Rempah 和蝶豆花 (兰花) ,粽米用蝶豆花染蓝,馅料用香料翻炒,这些都是其他地方难找的地方食材。 蓝天白云数格子淑萍妈妈裹的娘惹走没有加上肉块或冬瓜,主要以花生为馅料。 … [Read more...] about 妈妈娘惹粽食谱 · 娘惹粽做法
Lapse It Pro – TimeLapse on iOS Device
Lapse It Pro, an iOS Timelapse App that offering Focus Lock, Exposure Lock & White Balance Lock that can create Flickering free Timelapse video I have previously tried to use a couple of TimeLapse Apps on the iOS device. Such as iTimelapse Pro, OSnap! Timelapse & Stop Motion, Timelapse Free. Each of them have their own Pros & Cons and I have stick to using … [Read more...] about Lapse It Pro – TimeLapse on iOS Device
Sunset at Sungai Burung, Penang
Sunset photography has made me to realize that, you never know what would happen until the very last minute. It was a cloudy evening and I have told my colleague who joining me for the photography session not to expect too much for today's sunset. Nevertheless, we are been rewarded by this moment at the very last minute. This particular sunset photographed at Sungai Burung, … [Read more...] about Sunset at Sungai Burung, Penang
Breaking dawn – Pulau Jerjak, Penang
Sunrise Penang - Location at Pantai Jerjak I droped by at Pantai Jerjak this morning even that it is a cloudy day and its looks like going to rain. I was able to find a small opening from the thick rain could and shot this Sunrise at Pantai Jerjak with the 200mm on a 7D … [Read more...] about Breaking dawn – Pulau Jerjak, Penang