We want to hear your voices, Contents Rich ? or Faster Loading ?

We have received a lot of feedback that https://mylovelybluesky.com is hard to enter / load / visit but we have not really understand what are the actual experiences each of you facing. I would like to take some of your time to help me filling in this survey so that we can understand more what did you face normally when you cannot enter our page or having hard time to finally get in.

So far, we are using QWest broadband service here in Colorado Springs which is an 1.5Mbps download service and have not met much problem on loading the page. ( The front page’s size is running on an average of 2MB normally )

I cannot promise that we can do everything according to the survey feedback but they will definately able to allows us to understand more what are the expriences / frustrations that you may have when visiting our blog and try to improve that experiences if we can.

Apology for the multiply vote buttons as this is the only poll system I manage to find to use at the moment.

Thank you.

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Kuen Hoong

[poll id=”2″] [poll id=”3″] [poll id=”4″] [poll id=”5″] [poll id=”6″]

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View Comments (26)

  • Thanks for the encouragement. Please note that some of the blog post are in Mandarin entries and there is a Translator on the upper right corner if you don't mind reading them in "Google Translated version of the Broken English"

  • Carol, when you said you always have this problem with Mulitply, do you meant could not open Multiply ? or Peoples said your Multiply also has the same problem on hard to open ?

  • i'll say that current layout is ok and i didn't encounter any problem to visit this site.

    khangchan´s lastest post..宝贝日记:摇篮曲

  • Matt, thanks for the suggestion. We are looking over and over the widget bar to see what we can removes but seems those are the thing we wish to have on the bar. I didn't do wp-super-cache nor wp-widget-cache and will consider that. I think part of the reason is this is a non optimized theme that I heavily edited away from the original theme and has not clean up my mess yet ( not sure to rewrite or clean up ) There are actually 7 x widgetized bar in this theme now and i think loading each of them gave some problems too. The mp3 + player are hosted on my own page but has reduced to much lower bitrate after a gain normalization. I think I have to spend some time clean up the theme + css as it is in a mess now.

  • Thanks for the feedback everyone. I hopes to collect the data for another few days before removing it from the sticky.

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