I have tried using iPhone4 using iTimeLapse Pro for timelapse recently and I think it is still not delivering the results I wanted especially lack of the control on locked Focus + locked Exposure. I have been thinking to get a proper intervalometer to use with my Canon dSLR for quite some time but still never actually got to get one.
The following was the skyline when I am passing by the paddy field on my way for lunch and this scene told me is a great day for Timelapse project. It is however turned into a much different presentation by the nature when I returned to it after having my lunch.
What I did today was bring around my laptop to use the Canon’s Camera Utility for the remote timelapse. My poor laptop only has the lifespan of running for about 1.5 hours where the battery is almost drain and also it started to rain and I have to pack up. I only noted the time was too shot to capture the twin rainbow which appear toward the end of the timelapse video.
I set my camera to capture Medium JPG which has more than enough resolution to even generate a full 1080P full HD video clip. Focusing, exposure were all set to Manual but I forgot to switch to Manual / Custom white balance but luckily it wasn’t a big impact to the final result. Total captured to 1131 JPG at the end and rendered to 20 fps video clip as shown below.
TimeLapse at Permatang Pauh – Penang, Malaysia from khlee on Vimeo.
I have made another timelapse attemp on the next day. The timelapse video is available on vimeo or you can look at the post titled “Timelapse by the paddy field”.
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