8月12日 星期二 那天上了Rubber Stamping Basics的课之后,看看免费课程的时间表,留意到下个月的Scrapbooking Basics的时间表,感觉上我应该能参与,就填写了Scrapbooking Basics报名表格。唯一担心的是老板允许我提早放工一个小时来上课吗?? 今天,得到老板的批准,我可以提早下班一个小时。这样子,我可以来上课了。放工后,从公司驾车前往Archiever,路上的车辆特别多,弄到我提心吊胆。这也是我第二次放工后去比较远的地方。结果我竟然迟到了1分钟。 来到班上的时候,其他人都来了,剩下我一个人最迟。幸好导师等候我。导师在桌子上分发了一本Scrapbook的Getting … [Read more...] about 又有免费课 Scrapbooking Basics
Archives for November 10, 2008
Disney’s MGM Hollywood Studio Album is up (Last)
Disney's MGM Hollywood Studio is the last park we visited during our 1 week trip at Orlando back in Aug/Sept. This park is pretty small compared to the others but there are few main attractions that we missed to the they are closed to make way to the Joy of Music night that happening that day and the park closed early that day at 6pm and open for another Night Of Joy Music … [Read more...] about Disney’s MGM Hollywood Studio Album is up (Last)