The most messages we got from most of our friends and readers are the difficulties in loading the pages in I have made some calls to our web hosting service providers for couple of times to check on the server status, up-time and down-time and seems nothing wrong with it and we personally do not have any problem accessing the web also from here in Colorado Spring via Qwest’s broadband of 1.5Mbps/7.68Mbps.This made us getting worry of what will happen when we finally got back to Malaysia and if we will experience the same problem of maintaining the web.
It is pretty hard to explains to most of the readers that the difficulties in loading our pages is not entirely the fault of the page ( we do have pretty heavy contains to load though ). A 2MB loading on a broadband should be consider as not too heavy vs connecting from a 56kbps dial-up. We normally load our pages within 10 to 15 seconds but hearing from streamyx users that some have to load up to hours for the page to display. Our web hosting service provider suggested us to contact our ISP to find out what the reason of slow loading but we could not do that until we get back to Malaysia but then.. having know how Streamyx / TM works.. that is merely a dead end and basically we will not get to any solutions.
To explains this further in an example, let say you want to travel from A state to Z state by car. You may not check the traffic status in A state and Z state but you will spend some time to check the interstate connection, to see if they are any traffic jam in between, if they are any road closures, detour between the states. Both traffics in A states in Z state maybe are very smooth but then the connecting road between the 2 states passing through 5 other states maybe will give you troubles in getting to your destination. So, the same things do happen in the internet world, the connection from your computer to the web hosting that hosting the website needs multiple web servers to route your connection. So, there is a good chances that the connection got dropped in between and you will either never got to load the pages you interested if something happens in between.
Since mid of November until now, i have the same problem of loading pages from Asia countries especialy China and after googled for it, it seems the damages were caused by the November’s earthquake in that region and i am thinking of that has to do with why our pages are difficult to be loaded from Asia as well since the web hosting we have is in US. The 1st Figure above shown the speed test between our house here in Colorado Springs to a Server in Denver, CO and the 2nd Figure shown the speed test between here and Server in Penang and the ISP we are using is Qwest.
I would like to shares the following tools that you could use to perform ISP’s download / upload speeds vs some popular servers in the world and also another tool that you can use to perform route trace ( Trace the route from your current location to the destination web passing through each servers that doing the routing ) is a broadband connection analysis tool with a huge selection of geographically dispersed testing servers. Ookla provides this service free to hundreds of thousands of people every day. If you are experiencing slowness with your Internet connection or are simply interested in testing your speed, is for you.
2. Ping Plotter

Lastly, I have added a speed test to our web-hosting server if you want to test your ISP speed against the server that hosting Just click on the “Begin Test” button in following frame to perform the speed test.
I would appreciates if you can spare some of your time to perform the test against our web and let us know the results if possible. Hopes this can helps us to understand more why some of you are having problems getting to load our pages.
Tchuen´s lastest post..昨天和前天
Is a bit slow but do you experience difficulties to open up other website from US region ?
My download speed: 2885kbps and upload speed: 263kbps. But it varies from time to time.
Hope it helps!
tunadolphi´s lastest post..比利时行之布鲁塞尔(Brussels/Bruxelles) (一)
Looks like ISP from UK is pretty fast. Thanks for the information.
my results
Upload speed: 1007kbps
Downdload speed: 374 kbps
jacqueline´s lastest post..12星座讨厌的圣诞礼物
Is this coming from a 1MB line ?
is 4MB streamyx combo
jacqueline´s lastest post..12星座讨厌的圣诞礼物
唯獨我 /cry1
download 85 upload 181
小雪´s lastest post..【心情】幸福 VS 快樂
Yours one really slows, maybe you can try to check with Streamyx ask them to do a tracert to to see why it is slow ?